Project GROW

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What a handstand-a-day reveals was totally unexpected.

Can I share something that's really cool? 

When you do things for you, things that make you feel good & lift you up, by virtue of the energy field you have created you’re going to bring other people into that energy.

The most beautiful aspect of this is that it happens without the conscious intention because you’re acting and responding from your heart, along your pathway to feel fabulous! 

Do you have something that

  • you’re devoted to?

  • lights you up?

  • attracts others into your field of joy? 

If you do-  note what it is, recognise how it makes you feel & observe what impact you have on others that hover around your field of magic. 

If you feel like you’re missing out it’s time to find that one thing that makes you feel great, that you want to do and that takes you from 0 to boom! in seconds.  

Why this is buzzing around my head is due to 

  1. Spontaneous commitment I made 

  2. The GROWers’ Club theme for February

Both mutually exclusive until I realised they were related, entwined - one was an example of the other. 

In a nutshell when you’re doing something you truly love the energy emanating from you is a powerful way to shift & change another's. 

How did this bit of wisdom land in my palm? 

It all began a few weeks ago, when I devoted myself to a handstand-a-day. I was in a Clubhouse room with Lisa Abramson & she was sharing her story of committing to a daily pick-me-up-dance. It had me pondering, pondering IF I was to commit to doing something everyday for a year what could it be? 

Being the pragmatic type I would have to choose something that

  1. Took me less than 30 seconds 

  2. Do anywhere, anytime 

  3. Makes me feel good

The ‘handstand’!  

It ticked all my boxes and I had sort of forgotten about it recently & I wanted to reconnect. 

Do you have something, someone that you want to reconnect with, devote a bit of time to? 

I committed to a handstand-a-day. Declared this commitment to my family and suggested they provide the odd reminder and services as a photo taker. (If you want to see if I'm sticking to my promise, follow my progress via Instagram Story.) 

The handstand reveals..

  • It was day five of handstands.

  • Perth was in a Covid lockdown, my daughter had a case of too much screen time & was suffering from withdrawals when we removed Minecraft from her hands. 

  • As I was on my way to ‘do my handstand’ her Dad sent her to me to ‘sort out her attitude’. 

  • Ho-hum, bored of the normal disciplinary rhetoric I tried an alternative. ‘Pooch, come and handstand with me.’ 

  • There was an expected lacklustre look on her face as she threw her body into something that resembled a fly having sucked down too much bug spray. 

  • Without dialogue I entered the upside down world, my place of joy. In less than five seconds my ten year old was laughing, offering up handstand competitions & had literally changed her perspective on her day. 

After 3 minutes with me she went on to create & build with her Dad in the real shed with real tools.  

Was it the handstand? Yes.

The benefits of inverting the body increases and reverses blood flow which energises the mind and shifts the internal perspective.

Was it my positive energy? Yes.

We all love to be around those who emit a glow, a radiance, a zest for life. 

Was it my devotion to my practice- 100% yes! 

Only with devotion there was a platform for the handstand & the energy.

Go & do! Use this superpower to uplift your soul & influence others.

Donna x