Stress has been an interesting guest at the party of my life. I don't know if you can relate? Over my life there have been times where stress was the guest that never left. They were the centre of attention at every party. If stress plays an unwelcomed role in your life, take half a minute to be with me in this metaphor.
When you do things for you, things that make you feel good & lift you up, by virtue of the energy field you have created you’re going to bring other people into that energy. The most beautiful aspect of this is that it happens without the conscious intention because you’re acting and responding from your heart, along your pathway to feel fabulous!
Read MoreOne word is easy to remember. One word is powerful in its meaning. One word can paint your thousand pictures. Take absolute care when you set this word, let it emerge from a place of pure intention - your heart. Choose your intention word for 2021.
Before you declare your aspirations for the new year have you checked in with this year? What worked for you, what didn’t and what are you going to do about it before you repeat the same patterns or fail on unreasonable expectations?
Read MoreImagine if you had a way, a process or a simple technique to recognise your distractions and do away with them in order to focus on what matters to you now and into 2021.
Read MoreAs I was reading the book “The Nature Fix – Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative” by Florence Williams I was humbly excited. Why? Because what I found was an abundance of content gathered by Williams to give me the validation I was secretly looking for to accelerate the mission I have for Project GROW.
Read MoreWe are all thrown ‘shit to deal with’ or inline with what we do at Project GROW we all have a degree of ‘manure in the soil’ but what we do with it is the difference. Quite often we are faced with crucibles, an event occurs that we have limited control over.
Read MoreWhy choose to meditate when one is already time poor and busy and unable to fit another thing into the day?
Read MoreThis blog post is the final in a three part series, flick back to read One Serendipitous Event and Decades of Inspiring Wellbeing to understand the whole story.
Read MoreThe way we breathe has a dramatic effect on our wellbeing and by spending a few minutes a day practicing breathing exercises can improve our health and state of mind.
Read MoreThis blog post is the second in a three part series, flick back to read One Serendipitous Event and look out for An Emotionally Charged Woman in future posts to understand the whole story.
Read MoreIt was always interesting when I was introduced as a yogi. The person would often adjust their posture and begin to share how they are not flexible enough to ‘go to yoga classes’.
Read MoreI recently found myself standing in awe at the base of Uluru. Australia’s giant sandstone inselberg (an isolated hill rising abruptly from a plain) and more significantly a special living place for the Anangu people, the traditional owners of the area.
Read MoreThis blog post is the first of three to do the title justice.
Read MoreSome time ago I listened to a TED talk by Janine Benyus, her talk was encouraging and inspiring.
Read MoreAs an opportunity to learn more about our country and the wisdom of the land we inhabit I enquired into courses I could do regarding Indigenous culture.
Read MoreTake a Breath
Let’s get this straight yoga is not about how far you can reach past your toes in active wear but more about bringing the mind to a place of stillness and calm, enabling you to see things clearly, as they really are.
Read MoreMatt was at the height of his career when I observed a ritual he used to perform every evening when returning home from work. I pondered upon it for sometime before having that 'ah ha' moment….
Read MoreSpending time in nature can begin with adopting routine practices where you like to schedule nature into your already tight schedule or you can open yourself to random acts of wildness.
Read MoreLet us be upfront, mindfulness training is not a silver bullet, though what can impact leaders in the 21st century is a daily mindfulness practice over a sustained period.
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