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Are you equipped to sit on fertilised eggs?

Are you equipped to sit on fertilised eggs? 

Or are you too busy & distracted to know where your eggs are? 

I have a duck, her name is Gucci & my recent duckservations (duck observations) had me pondering. 

Are you approaching the end of the year with a sense of unease, a feeling that you didn’t accomplish what you were hoping to?  Have you said yes to the wrong things, and left wondering how to let go of them? Or maybe it’s saying yes too often and the overwhelming feeling of over commitment is closing in? 

Either way, you’ve probably allowed distractions to hinder focus on your aspirations, and what truly matters to you has played second, third and fourth. 

So what about my duck had me thinking like this? 

Two weeks ago something changed; she built a nest and committed to caring for her eggs . She was the duck who abandoned her freshly laid egg at sunrise, would frolick between the garden and pond and be distracted by the flies and swooping magpies. Now she is laser focussed, her one job is to sit, all day uninterrupted on her eggs.  

Imagine if you had a way, a process or a simple technique to recognise those distractions and do away with them in order to focus on what matters to you now and into 2021. Somehow an inner knowing & doing kicks in, like my duck, that had you nesting only fertilised eggs. 

If this is speaking to you, keep your eyes open because I’m teaching a simple process that just so happens to be perfect for the end of year or any time you need to take stock of those eggs!