Project GROW

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How Can You Get More Nature In Your Life?

Spending time in nature can begin with adopting routine practices where you like to schedule nature into your already tight schedule or you can open yourself to random acts of wildness. I suppose it really depends on how routine you are right now and how spontaneous you want to be. Either way, nature will offer you benefits, as she doesn't know your schedule.   

If you have...

2 minutes

  • Allow nature to interrupt the way you rush from place to place

  • Take a minute or two to pause and observe your surroundings, perhaps a tree, a bird, the moonrise. To connect with nature stand in the light of the moon or smell a flower. 

  • Look at a photograph of nature or look out the window

  • Whilst waiting for a page to load or a moment where you need to clear thoughts to look towards a nature-scape. 

  • Take off the shoes and connect with the earth

  • Be it the green grass, soil, sand, rocks take your shoes off. 

20 minutes

  • Saltwater cleanse
    On your way home from work stop by the beach for a run and dive into the ocean. Dare to walk in the door with sandy feet and salty hair. Saltwater therapy.

  • Go for a walk
    If you catch public transport get on the earlier bus/train/tram and stop off at a park en route. Spend this time walking and recharging in nature before hailing the next bus/train/tram.

  • Enjoy lunch outside
    Be it on a park bench or on the grass remove yourself from the usual surroundings of the office space and be outdoors.

2 hours

  • Hand water the garden
    Spoil your garden with a little attention by using the watering can or hose. Let your mind wander and zoom in on the little things in your garden.

  • Take photos
    Dust off the lens (if you still have your SLR) or use your smartphone to creative with nature. You'll be amazed at what you'll see when looking through the lens.

  • Go exploring
    Put a few things in a back-pack and leave the house. Walk, cycle, paddle or swim around your own neighbourhood and open your eyes to different directions. Look up, look down, look around.

The whole day

  • Take a hike
    Do a bit of research and find a walking trail that is to your level. With that backpack complete with necessary items allow your adventurous spirit take over.

  • Gardening
    Redesign a part of your garden to better suit your wants and needs. Some ideas can be herbs, bulbs, natives and vegetables. If you do not have the luxury of a back-yard use a pot, a wall, a fish-tank (yep aquaponics), the local community garden or your office. There are plenty of alternatives to the traditional garden that there is no excuse.

  • Explore new territory
    With tourism playing a big part of the economy there are always plenty of 'things to do' in the outdoors. From concerts to picking your own fruit to explore your region and learn what others are doing with nature as their inspiration.

With a little bit of practice and a lot of awareness begin to make conscious decisions with your time and nature. Because if the scientists are to be believed, doing so could make us healthier, smarter, more well-adjusted, more resistant to disease, and more likely to enjoy a longer and happier life.