Project GROW

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One Word Can Paint Your Thousand Pictures

Take absolute care when you set this word, let it emerge from a place of pure intention - your heart

One word is easy to remember.

One word is powerful in its meaning.

One word can paint your thousand pictures.

Take absolute care when you set this word, let it emerge from a place of pure intention - your heart.

Your relationship with this word is like a romantic affair.

You either instantly fall in love or it takes time to be okay with.

You experiment with what it can do for you; how it makes you feel fabulous.

There will be times you'll want to run; because it reveals aspects you're afraid of.

Keep on showing up; with this word as your guiding light.

Take absolute care when you set this word, let it emerge from a place of pure intention - your heart.

Over time this word will begin to embody every aspect of you & your choices.

Not all at once.. it takes time, sometimes years, for you to accept the word emotionally, spiritually, physically & neurologically.

And then one day you'll notice that the word is part of you every day, it is a habit perhaps a value that is reflective of who and what you truly are.

Take absolute care when you set this word, let it emerge from a place of pure intention - your heart. 

With love in poetry,

Donna ‘expose’ Zaffino


PS. Be sure to choose your intention word for 2021.. or get in touch if you’d like help doing it.

PPS. The GROWer’s Club focus for January is Intention & with a few simple tools they are allowing their word to choose them.